Mar 9th 2021
Spring Update
The rivers are opening up and the lakes are seeing some slushy conditions for the ice fisherman. The shop's preseason orders are trickling in and the shelves are looking pretty full now. We have greatly expanded our selection of fly and conventional gear this spring and our excited to show our customers all the new products. The online shop is seeing new items on a daily basis and we will keep uploading new products and updating stock levels as the packages arrive. Check it out to see if we have what you need on the shelves and feel free to reach out if there is something you need that isn't listed or in stock.The steelhead fisherman are getting anxious, but there are no great days to reports so far. Steady fishing is going on though with steelhead head catch rates slowly passing the browns. The temps today and tomorrow are looking very promising for a good runoff and reduction of ice. In the meantime ice fishing has picked up and we are getting solid reports for the big lake when the ice is clear. We will begin guiding steelhead fisherman in a few weeks so get your dates booked through our contact form or by calling the shop.